is now part of Bitwarden. Read the announcement.

Beta and future pricing FAQs


What happens during the beta program?

Bitwarden will remain free for all users during the duration of the beta program. In addition to user access, all features during beta will be free to use for all users.

How long will the beta program last?

The Bitwarden beta will continue through Q1 2023. New pricing will be announced in Q2 for paid plans.


What happens after beta? How will I be notified of GA?

Bitwarden will continue to offer a free tier after beta with more details to come in Q2.

Once beta ends, Bitwarden will offer paid plans for certain tiers of usage and features, and customers will need to subscribe for continued access to those tiers.

Prior to general availability, Bitwarden will provide advance notice of the future pricing model, as well as clear paths for customers to subscribe to a paid plan at their option.

For changes and notifications, please follow the Bitwarden forum and other social media platforms. If you provided your email address, Bitwarden may also send email communications.


What will be the future Bitwarden pricing?

Bitwarden will announce the new pricing structure in Q2

Will there continue to be a free tier?

Yes! There will always be a free tier to support community projects and continue spreading adoption of passwordless technologies. More details to come.

Will I receive advanced notification before being charged?

Yes, once GA has been determined, customers will be given notice via the Bitwarden community forum, email, and other social media platforms. With the GA announcement, information about pricing and opt-in paths will be provided. If you decide to subscribe, Bitwarden will send you a billing notice.

What if I don’t want to become a paid user?

You may opt-in to a free tier, which will be capped by user count.


Upon GA, what will happen to my user information?

After Bitwarden transitions to GA, you will not need to do any kind of migration if you subscribe to Bitwarden Users will retain access to Bitwarden and existing accounts will continue to work.

For additional questions or support, please email [email protected]